Sessione A Deep-Dive journey in Developing Microservices with Java, Spring Boot/ Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes - Cloud Day 2023 - Cloud Champions


A Deep-Dive journey in Developing Microservices with Java, Spring Boot/ Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes

Lingua: Inglese
Orario: 16:30  -  17:15

Starting with How do we build, deploy, and scale our microservices using Docker, practicing how Configurations Management in Microservices can take place. How to manage the care of the Service Discovery & Registration, designing Resilient Microservices, and handling Routing & Cross-cutting concerns in Microservices.
Moreover, practicing the operational aspects such as managing the Distributed tracing, Log aggregation in Microservices, and Monitoring Microservices Metrics & Health. Taking care of the design principles like automatic self-healing, scaling, and deployments using Kubernetes.

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